Families of Gender Expansive or Transgender Kids


This group is a forum for connecting with other parents/caregivers of gender expansive and transgender Lab students. Parents/caregivers of kids of all ages, grades, and stages of a gender journey are welcome! Your name and any information you share about your child will not be disclosed to others without your permission. To receive information about group events or to help plan community-building events, please contact Debbie Stulberg at dstulberg@gmail.com or Larissa Brewer-García at brewergarcia@gmail.com.


Meet the Author, Kyle Lukoff, Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 5:30pm, Rowley Library (Historic Campus)

Acclaimed children’s and young adult author, Kyle Lukoff, will meet with parents for an informal discussion. This event, co-hosted by the Families of Gender Expansive or Transgender Kids and UCLS Middle School Librarians is open to all Lab parents/guardians. During the day, Lukoff will meet with 6th and 7th grade students, but the evening event is for adults.